Welcome to the blog!

Welcome to Mr Tetard's blog !

This is the blog of Mr Tetard, English teacher in Lycée Gustave Eiffel in Armentières (in the north of France, near Lille & Belgium)

On this blog pupils and students will find their lessons, documents, projects, etc.

If you have any questions, you can:
- Send me an email: myenglishteacher59@gmail.com
- Contact me on Twitter @mrtetard

- Post a message a message on the Blog (Click on "commentaire")

-> All the CPGE documents are available by clicking here: tinyurl.com/mrtetardcpge

See you soon,

Mr Tetard

vendredi 2 décembre 2016

Food Reactions

Friday, December 2nd 2016

Mr Tetard is the Devil : Food Torture !

The pizza video / commercial / advert MADE Pauline very hungry.
The texture of the pizza MADE it so appetizing ! 
It MADE Marc-Antoine want to eat the screen. 
The burger advert / ad / video MADE Arthur dream of a perfect burger...
The Oreo ad / video MADE Axel WANT to kill his teacher because it's unfair, just before lunchtime ! It's not right !
The last sound MADE Gwendoline THINK about vegetables in frying pan.

→ Pour parler de comment qqn / qqc vous rend, on utilise :
Ex : It makes me hungry !

→ Pour parler de ce que qqn / qqc vous fait faire
MAKE me + VB
Ex : It makes me want to eat a giant burger !!!

Obesity Rate Increase + FLOTUS + Beyonce

Friday, December 2nd 2016

Michelle Obama Defends Healthy Food

SINCE 1955, the size of burgers in Mc Donald's HAS INCREASED a lot. The size of the chips portions HAS EXPLODED. The size of the drinks HAS SKYROCKETED / QUADRUPLED.

So / As a consequence / Therefore, the obesity rate HAS GONE UP / HAS INCREASED all around the world, and specifically / particularly in the developping countries, like Mexico or India.

Michelle Obama, the American First Lady, WANTS people TO move more. She WANTS everyone TO exercise. She WANTS American people TO eat healthy food, particularly / in particular in schools !

→ Pour faire un bilan Passé → Présent, on utilise le Present Perfect. On relie le passé au moment présent :

Ex : Since September 2016, the SPCL students HAVE DISCOVERED new subjects.

→ Pour parler de ce qu'on veut que qqn fasse :

WANT somebody TO + VB

Ex : I want you to wake up !


Friday, December 2nd 2016

Michelle Obama fights obesity !

SINCE 1955, the size of the burgers in Mc Donald's HAS INCREASED a lot. The size of chips / French fries HAS DOUBLED and the size of drinks HAS QUADRUPLED ! A « large drink » is almost one liter !

So / Therefore / As a consequence, because of junk food, the obesity rate HAS EXPLODED / HAS SKYROCKETED.

Michelle Obama, the American first lady, decided to react. She WANTS the American people TO eat healthy food. She WANTS everyone TO move / exercise.

→ Pour parler d'une évolution Passé → Présent, pour faire un bilan entre le passé et le présent, on utilise le Present Perfect.


Ex : Since September, Faiza HAS DISCOVERED new subjects, and she HAS IMPROVED in maths.

→ Pour dire ce que l'on veut que qqn fasse :

WANT somebody TO + VB

Ex : Mr Tetard WANTS Ms Mancini TO participate.