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Welcome to Mr Tetard's blog !

This is the blog of Mr Tetard, English teacher in Lycée Gustave Eiffel in Armentières (in the north of France, near Lille & Belgium)

On this blog pupils and students will find their lessons, documents, projects, etc.

If you have any questions, you can:
- Send me an email: myenglishteacher59@gmail.com
- Contact me on Twitter @mrtetard

- Post a message a message on the Blog (Click on "commentaire")

-> All the CPGE documents are available by clicking here: tinyurl.com/mrtetardcpge

See you soon,

Mr Tetard

mardi 23 mai 2017

A New Life

Friday, May 19th (nineteenth) 2017

Before & After: A New Life!

              Today’s document is a scene from the first episode of the series “Breaking Bad”.
              THe first scene took place in the doctor’s office. The patient looked sad / in shock / lost, because he just learned that he was sick. He had / has cancer.
              In the second scene, the patient / Mr White spoke with his ex-student. Mr White was curious about the ‘activity’ / ‘hobby’ of his ex-student: the drug business!
              HE wanted to cooperate with his ex-student to sell drugs because “he knows the chemistry”.
              It’s not just a simple offer! It’s blackmail because Mr White proposed  a sort of deal to the student, but if the student refused, Mr White would call the police…
              Mr white USED TO have a normal / boring life.
              He USED TO be a chemistry teacher.
              He USED TO be like everybody.
              Not anymore!...

Hmm.. Hmm… Friday, May 19th (nineteenth) 2017

Strange Blackmail…

Today’s document is a teaser / trailer for the TV series ‘Breaking Bad”.
THe first scene took place in the doctor’s office. We saw a doctor and a patient. The patient, Mr White, Looked totally absent / ‘lost’ because the doctor told Mr White he had a lung cancer. Mr White was in shock…
Before this devastating news, Mr White USED TO be a chemistry teacher. He USED TO have a normal / basic life. He USED TO be a good man, etc.
Mr White went to see his ex student. He wanted to begin a partnership with him. He proposed / offered to work him to sell drugs, because he needed money.
“You know the business. And I know the chemistry.”
But this isn’t a simple offer, it’s blackmail!
If the ex student refuses, Mr White will call the police!

vendredi 5 mai 2017

The American Sniper Controversy

Friday, May 5th (fifth) 2x1000+17=2017

American Sniper : Hero or Villain ?

Today's document is the trailer for a movie about an American Sniper. The scene probably took place in Afghanistan or Iraq and it must be / it must take place nowadays because we know there is a war in Aghanistan right now...
His job is to watch terrorists and, if necessary, shoot / kill them.

What WOULD you HAVE DONE in his place ?
Arthur WOULD HAVE SHOT the kid because he had a bomb and he ran towards the soldiers.
Maelie, euh, WOULD NOT HAVE KILLED the child because he's just a kid.
So, is this man a hero or a killer ?
For Arnaud, this man is a hero because he saved a lot of people...
For Vincent, on the one hand he protected / defended his comrades / his friends, but on the other hand he killed a lot of people. So Vincent has mixed feelings about this man...
For Gregory, American Sniper is a movie with a lot of action, a tense / stressful atmosphere. Bradley Cooper is a great actor. Greggi thinks all the SPCL students SHOULD watch this film. (CONSEIL = SHOULD)

→ Pour imaginer ce qu'on FERAIT (à la place de qqn)
Ex : If I were you, I would not do this.

→ Pour imaginer ce qu'on AURAIT FAIT...
WOULD HAVE + Participe Passé

Ex : If I had been in the sniper's position, I WOULD NOT HAVE SHOT / KILLED the kid.

vendredi 28 avril 2017

A House on Fire

Friday, April 28th 2017

A House on Fire !

A man called Levi WAS WALKING to university when he SAW a house on fire. He immediately called the firemen but he HEARD a woman who WAS SCREAMING « Help ! Help ! ».
He RAN in the house, he avoided the flames and he TOOK / CARRIED the woman outside.

Without him, the woman WOULD HAVE DIED.
Without Levi, she probably WOULD HAVE SUFFOCATED...

→ Pour parler de ce qui ETAIT EN TRAIN DE SE PASSER à un moment précis du passé :
BE au passé + VB-ING
Ex : Yesterday at 3Pm Axel WAS PLAYING with marbles in physics.

→ Pour parler de ce qui SE SERAIT PASSE :

Ex : If Paris had a second goal in Barcelona, they WOULD HAVE QUALIFIED...

vendredi 24 mars 2017

The Clinging Woman + Miracle on the Hudson

Friday, March 17th 2017
→ It's Saint Patrick's Day !

A Modest Hero

The scene took place on a balcony. A girl was hanging from the balcony of her apartment.
Lea thought the girl might be a Yamakasi !
Grefffory believed she MIGHT HAVE WANTED to catch her glasses but she fell.
Arnaud thought she MUST HAVE WANTED to die. She MIGHT HAVE BEEN depressed...

→ Pour faire des hypothèses / suppositions à propos du passé on utilise :
COULD + HAVE + Participe Passé

A man saw the woman. He called the firemen / the police and they rescued her. He became a hero for his neighbours, but he didn't think he was a hero.
2 weeks later, the woman rang the man's doorbell. She wanted to thank him.
But he just said, « oh, it's nothing... »
Without the man's intervention, she WOULD / COULD HAVE DIED.

Friday, March 24th 2017

A Crazy Landing... in the Hudson River !

The plane took off from LaGuardia Airport and flew A FEW minutes, but it had a problem and it crashed in / landed in the Hudson River.
It was a miracle because everybody survived.
Without this pilot, the plane WOULD / COULD HAVE CRASHED !
For Axel, without this pilot, the plane WOULD / COULD not HAVE TAKEN OFF ! (#LOL)

→ Pour parler de ce qui se serait passé :

→ Pour parler de ce qui aurait pu se passer :
Ex : Arthur COULD HAVE HAD 20 in French if he had worked.

Friday, March 24th 2017

The Hudson River Miracle
 and the Hero Pilot

8 years ago a plane took off from LaGuardia airport in New York City. It flew for a few minutes, but the pilot understood there was a problem, so the plane landed / crashed in the Hudson River.
It was a miracle !
Without this fantastic pilot, the plane WOULD / COULD HAVE CRASHED and the passengers WOULD / COULD HAVE DIED.

→ Pour parler de ce qui se serait passé :

→ Pour parler de ce qui aurait pu se passer :
Ex : With another teacher, Arthur COULD HAVE HAD at least (= minimum) 12/20 !