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Welcome to Mr Tetard's blog !

This is the blog of Mr Tetard, English teacher in Lycée Gustave Eiffel in Armentières (in the north of France, near Lille & Belgium)

On this blog pupils and students will find their lessons, documents, projects, etc.

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See you soon,

Mr Tetard

vendredi 5 mai 2017

The American Sniper Controversy

Friday, May 5th (fifth) 2x1000+17=2017

American Sniper : Hero or Villain ?

Today's document is the trailer for a movie about an American Sniper. The scene probably took place in Afghanistan or Iraq and it must be / it must take place nowadays because we know there is a war in Aghanistan right now...
His job is to watch terrorists and, if necessary, shoot / kill them.

What WOULD you HAVE DONE in his place ?
Arthur WOULD HAVE SHOT the kid because he had a bomb and he ran towards the soldiers.
Maelie, euh, WOULD NOT HAVE KILLED the child because he's just a kid.
So, is this man a hero or a killer ?
For Arnaud, this man is a hero because he saved a lot of people...
For Vincent, on the one hand he protected / defended his comrades / his friends, but on the other hand he killed a lot of people. So Vincent has mixed feelings about this man...
For Gregory, American Sniper is a movie with a lot of action, a tense / stressful atmosphere. Bradley Cooper is a great actor. Greggi thinks all the SPCL students SHOULD watch this film. (CONSEIL = SHOULD)

→ Pour imaginer ce qu'on FERAIT (à la place de qqn)
Ex : If I were you, I would not do this.

→ Pour imaginer ce qu'on AURAIT FAIT...
WOULD HAVE + Participe Passé

Ex : If I had been in the sniper's position, I WOULD NOT HAVE SHOT / KILLED the kid.

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